Kōrero with Kylie Matthews

Kōrero with Kylie Matthews

We love talking all things ikura so we're bringing you a new blog series where we chat to some of our AWWA whanau about how they manage their ikura.

Apart from being a kickass businesswomen and māmā of 3, who is Kylie Matthews?

I am passionate about helping build a better future for my children and generations to come through the creation of sustainable products 
I love running and yoga and drinking wine with my friends. I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe in. 

Tell us - why do you love wearing AWWA and how it has made a difference to your lifestyle?

I wear AWWA as my every day underwear. They make me feel confident and worry free. I do a lot of exercise and find they are great for absorbing sweat. I have had 3 children so knowing I have a bit of added protection down there is great.  

How do you practice self care while on your ikura?

When on my ikura I listen to my body and what it needs at that time. If it tells me that it doesn't want to go for a run, then I don't go. 
It is important to take rest and look after yourself. I find slow flow yoga and meditation good for my emotional well being when on my ikura. 

What advice would you have for your younger self in regards to getting and managing your ikura?

I would tell my younger self that it is not whakama to have your ikura, and that it is not something you have to hide. 

What makes you feel empowered / confident?

Living my truth. Being true to myself. Not being afraid to stand up for what i believe in. Knowing that by living my truth I am being a good role model for my children, and helping to build their confidence. 

What's your favourite AWWA style?

Eva Brief.

What's your 'feel good' song?

Rise Up - Six60

You can hear Kylie's fave song on our Ikura playlist.

What quote / affirmation is speaking to you right now?

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. - Steve Jobs

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