AWWA x REEMI: Supporting Women in Gaza with Period Products

AWWA x REEMI: Supporting Women in Gaza with Period Products


 In the last six months, one million women and girls have been displaced in Gaza. On top of the horrors of war, they’re facing a severe shortage of period products. 

We’ve heard stories of girls resorting to using tissues, or washing and reusing single-use pads. Women and girls are dealing with infections and health complications, not to mention shame and embarrassment. In some camps, there is 1 toilet for every 486 people, which is just an unimaginable way to deal with your period. Infection and shame should be one less thing women and girls have to deal with in an already traumatising situation.

Fellow Aotearoa-based NGO, Reemi has a partnership with Oxfam to distribute a complete menstrual hygiene solution in Gaza and AWWA is joining forces to boost their campaign and help provide more period underwear to women and girls in Gaza.

Reemi currently has funding for 5,000 women and girls but that’s a drop in the ocean of need and has turned to a public fundraising campaign to reach another 5,000 women and girls. The team at Oxfam have ensured access to water through the provision of desalination units, so that reusable products do work in this context. 

Reemi’s humanitarian-designed period underwear is antimicrobial and lasts for years. It also comes with discreet washing and drying bags, so it will be a huge relief for women and girls in Gaza, giving them dignity and one less thing to worry about. 

It will also result in less waste and therefore less infection and disease in crowded camps, and reduce the stress for waste disposal, which many report as problematic as waste infrastructure no longer exists. 

For just $33 you can provide the practical solution of four pairs of reusable period underwear, but it’s so much more than that: you will provide dignity in a really tough situation.  


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