Meet our AWWA ambassador, Ameliaranne Ekenasio
We are so excited to introduce you to Ameliaranne Ekenasio - captain of the Silver Ferns and AWWA ambassador. We took some time with Ameliaranne to ask her about why she loves wearing AWWA and what she's excited for in 2020.
Tell us why you decided to try AWWA.
I decided to try AWWA because I thought there must be a better way to do periods. I’ve long been an advocate of using less plastic, becoming aware and reducing single use and then AWWA just kept popping up on my feed. I’d been interested in using period undies for a long time but just never took the leap of faith. So glad I did because I would never go back now, I wish they were around when I was younger.
How do you use AWWA?
The way I use AWWA varies sometimes from month to month depending on what’s going on in my life. Normally my schedule is jam packed so in an effort to reducing changes I wear my hooha cup with the undies on my heavy days. After a few days I’ll switch to just wearing undies for the rest of my period when I know my flow is lighter. I train in them and play in them and even use the togs to swim in as well. Regardless of if I have my period or not I always play in them for all of my netball games. Since having my baby just makes me feel so much more confident - mamas you know what I mean.

Why do you love AWWA?
I continue to use AWWA because they are so comfy and easy I actually couldn’t imagine going back to pads and tampons. Also ethically I believe this is a huge step in the right direction in massively reducing our footprint in period waste and plastics. Knowing that the first pad every made still exists is so sad and heartbreaking for Papatuanuku.
What are you most excited for this year?
This year I’m excited to get more girls into AWWA. A lot more of the girls in my teams are wearing AWWA so I think it’s just going to explode. Also knowing that for every pair that’s purchased a pair in given to try and help reduce period poverty in NZ is heartwarming for me. If I can get more involved in this it’s going to be a good year.