
Weaving the future: AWWA’s journey into a new era

Weaving the future: AWWA’s journey into a new era

Weaving the future: AWWA’s journey into a new era Kia ora AWWA whānau! Today Kylie and I come to you with some exciting news: our much-loved pākihi has been acquired...

Weaving the future: AWWA’s journey into a new era

Weaving the future: AWWA’s journey into a new era Kia ora AWWA whānau! Today Kylie and I come to you with some exciting news: our much-loved pākihi has been acquired...

Embracing Ruahine: Celebrating Wisdom in Menopause

Embracing Ruahine: Celebrating Wisdom in Menopause

Understanding Ruahinetanga Ruahinetanga is a powerful term in Māori culture, encapsulating not only the physical transition of menopause but also the deeper journey into wisdom and self-discovery. This stage of...

Embracing Ruahine: Celebrating Wisdom in Menopause

Understanding Ruahinetanga Ruahinetanga is a powerful term in Māori culture, encapsulating not only the physical transition of menopause but also the deeper journey into wisdom and self-discovery. This stage of...

A cool new tool to improve mental wellbeing

A cool new tool to improve mental wellbeing

Kia ora, AWWA fam! With Mental Health Awareness Week rolling in, I’m super excited to share a bit of my journey that ties right into what we’re all about here...

A cool new tool to improve mental wellbeing

Kia ora, AWWA fam! With Mental Health Awareness Week rolling in, I’m super excited to share a bit of my journey that ties right into what we’re all about here...

Karakia for your Ikura

Karakia for your Ikura

Karakia is a beautiful way to honour your ikura and add in an element to ceremony to this sacred time.  The below Karakia were written for AWWA by Ana McAllister....

Karakia for your Ikura

Karakia is a beautiful way to honour your ikura and add in an element to ceremony to this sacred time.  The below Karakia were written for AWWA by Ana McAllister....

The Research on Lead in Tampons

The Research on Lead in Tampons

AWWA period underwear - up to 60% off in our Waste Free July sale!

The Research on Lead in Tampons

AWWA period underwear - up to 60% off in our Waste Free July sale!

AWWA x REEMI: Supporting Women in Gaza with Period Products

AWWA x REEMI: Supporting Women in Gaza with Per...

   In the last six months, one million women and girls have been displaced in Gaza. On top of the horrors of war, they’re facing a severe shortage of period...

AWWA x REEMI: Supporting Women in Gaza with Per...

   In the last six months, one million women and girls have been displaced in Gaza. On top of the horrors of war, they’re facing a severe shortage of period...