Not Just For Periods

Not Just For Periods

We all know by now that AWWA period undies are the perfect choice for, well, periods! Whether you’re a heavy bleeder that swears by the AWWA All Days, a gym rat who loves the no-VPL of the AWWA G-string, or an OG AWWA enthusiast who likes to mix it up with all the different styles, choosing AWWA when you’re menstruating is an obvious choice. 

But AWWA undies aren’t just for periods. There are all kinds of reasons someone may choose to wear AWWA, whether it’s for support with discharge during pregnancy, postpartum, to help with bladder leakage - or just because they’re so comfy to wear! 

AWWA for Pregnancy
If you’re expecting, turning your AWWA period undies into pregnancy undies can be a great way to stress less about the vaginal discharge that is common in pregnancy. Whilst a small amount of discharge regularly occurs from puberty to menopause, it’s normal to have more discharge during pregnancy, especially as the birth date gets closer. Choosing AWWA pregnancy underwear to help with vaginal discharge means feeling fresh and comfortable without needing to rely on less sustainable options such as pads or panty liners, so you’re taking care of the Earth whilst taking care of yourself – and what’s not to love about that?

As well as increased amounts of vaginal discharge, it’s also common to experience bladder leakage whilst pregnant – and AWWA pregnancy undies can help with that, too. With all the bodily changes happening during pregnancy, bladder leakage is normal; the weight of the baby can weaken pelvic floor muscles or put extra pressure on the bladder, causing varying levels of incontinence. Whilst this is nothing to be whakamā about, it’s understandable to not want to be dealing with unpredictable bladder leakage when you’re out and about. Wearing absorbent, pee-proof underwear when pregnant can help prevent any unexpected surprises! 

AWWA for Postpartum
AWWA is also a great choice for post-partum support. Vaginal bleeding after birth is normal, with the bleeding often being quite heavy at first before gradually lessening (although, of course, always check in with your health professional if you’re concerned about any post-birth changes). After the first couple of days, wearing pregnancy underwear such as the AWWA All Days is a great way to stay dry, giving you one less thing to worry about. The soft, breathable cotton of the post-partum undies are a great option to keep you feeling comfortable as you heal from the birth; whether it was a C-section or vaginal delivery, soft fabric is essential for those sensitive areas! 

AWWA for Bladder Leakage
Of course, pregnancy and periods aren’t the only times AWWA can help you out. Many of us will experience levels of bladder leakage at various stages in our lives. Pregnancy, menopause and general aging are all related to incontinence, as are certain medications and illnesses. For some people, bladder leakage might show up in the form of a constant dripping, whilst others will experience occasional leakage after coughing, sneezing or even heavy lifting. There are some treatments and preventions for incontinence (a visit to a doctor will be able to help with this) and, of course, absorbent pee-proof undies can help you feel comfortable and confident in any situation. 

Caring for your body as it changes isn’t always the easiest task, especially as some of those changes sneak up on you, but finding the perfect AWWA pants is a great way to be prepared. Whether you’re using them as pregnancy undies, postpartum undies, pee-proof undies or regular period undies, AWWA can always help you feel confident, dry and comfortable.

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