AWWA is a climate positive Company!

AWWA is a climate positive Company!

Sustainability is incredibly important to us.  Yes, the period-proof underwear we make is a better choice than pads and tampons for the environment but we appreciate that the process in making them together with our day to day business operations can also have an impact on the environment through the output of carbon emissions, which is not ideal.

Businesses are a huge contributor to the output of carbon emissions and that’s why we are delighted and proud to announce that AWWA is not only a net zero emissions business but now also a Climate Positive Business! 

AWWA is Carbon Positive cool, what does this mean?

AWWA have measured and offset 120% (at least) of our carbon footprint for our business operations with certified carbon credits through Ekos. This footprint includes:

  • The freight associated with getting the yarn to the fabric mill, the fabric to our manufacturers in Sri Lanka and China, and then our completed AWWA to your doorstep;
  • The total kilowatts of power used by our manufacturers in Sri Lanka and China and the kilowatts of power used by AWWA here in Aotearoa. 
  • All fuels used by our company vehicles, all flights and accommodation both local and international;
  • All non recyclable waste at our manufacturers in Sri Lanka and China and the AWWA office in Aotearoa.

These certified carbon credits are sourced from projects that grow and protect native forests in New Zealand and the Pacific Islands and help to deliver climate resilience, waterways protection, erosion control, biodiversity conservation and community economic development.

Here is our carbon footprint inventory report:

Organisation details

Area of Business:
Period proof underwear


Organisational Boundary

 This measurement covers the following sites:

AWWA Office – 26 Hereford St, Te Atatu Peninsula

Operational Boundary Business Operations Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions resulting from:

  • Fuels
  • Air-conditioning
  • Purchased energy
  • Line losses
  • Driving
  • Flying
  • Waste to Landfill
  • Freight
  • Accommodation
  • Agriculture
Omissions: None


 Emissions Total emissions = 
48.07 tCO2e
Offsets Total offsets =
57.68 tCO2e

    AWWA has elected to offset 120% of these emissions with Verified Emission Reduction units provided by Ekos. Through this measurement and offsetting AWWA has qualified for Climate Positive Business Operations certification.

    Why have we bothered?

    Today more than ever, we are becoming increasingly aware of how we have reached a point where our human footprint is affecting the earth. We are presently at a tipping point; what we do in the next 50 years will shape what the next 10,000 years looks like, therefore it is crucial to understand where we are right now. We know that to keep temperature rise below 1.5C within this century we need to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

    So what does this mean for me and why should I care?

    Now when you purchase your period-proof underwear with AWWA, you can be sure that you are not contributing to the problem of the output of carbon emissions by doing so. All energy used in the making of the underwear together with the flight and courier that gets your AWWA to your doorstep will be fully measured and offset with carbon credits.  

    Even better, You are choosing to manage your period with a product and from a business that is not only net carbon zero, but has a positive effect on the environment because it purchases 20% more carbon credits than the emissions it outputs. Amazing!! 

    Why climate positive and why Ekos?

    Globally we are in a transition to a low carbon economy, with rapidly growing demand for climate solutions that deliver sustainable land management outcomes.  As a business, we feel great responsibility to ensure that not only are we producing a sustainable product but that the process and business operations that we engage in equally have a positive impact on our environment. 

    Becoming climate positive though Ekos was a no brainer for us.  Ekos are at the forefront of forest carbon financing, working with landowners, businesses, universities, councils and governments to drive green innovation.

    One method of carbon credit production is through reforestation and rainforest protection. To operate within the carbon market these projects and their carbon claims must be measured, verified and certified. The carbon sequestration that occurs through photosynthesis within these projects is converted and issued as carbon credits. One tonne of sequestered carbon results in one carbon credit. These credits are held in a registry. When a consumer (or business like AWWA) offsets their carbon emissions through the purchasing of carbon credits, these credits are permanently cancelled and are no longer available for purchase (this avoids any risk of double counting).

    The projects in Aotearoa that AWWA have invested in through carbon credits with Ekos:


    Kānuka Hill is 76.4ha of naturally regenerating indigenous forest located in Uruwhenua, Mōhua (Golden Bay), Aotearoa.

    Certified under the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme.


    Aotearoa’s first carbon credits produced from tall indigenous rainforest. This pioneering project contains 738ha of forest on Māori land in Southland. This project supports community development, biodiversity protection and improved water quality.

    Certified to the Plan Vivo carbon standard.


    Indigenous reforestation of 91ha of marginal farmland in Mōhua (Golden Bay), Aotearoa.

    A community based initiative where carbon sales go directly to conservation management.

    Certified under the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme.


    If you are wanting more empowering information in the climate change space we would recommend checking these out: the team at the Stockholm Resilience Centre are global leaders in sustainability and climate change adaptation. Check out some of their publications for the most up to date solutions For the wild is an inspiring podcast which features interviews with change makers and visionaries from around the world focusing on land based protection, co-liberation and intersectional storytelling for a bright future. Project Drawdown is a global research organisation that identifies, reviews and analyses the most viable solutions to climate change, and shares these findings with the world. The top 100 solutions list is an incredible educational resource, providing ideas on effective areas for individuals to target in their day to day lives.

    To download a carbon footprint calculator, head to


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